AI Compute Layer

Our AI Compute Layer is a Web 3-based infrastructure for scaling AI computation tasks and easy deployment of AI-enabled applications, including deep learning, predictive analytics, large language models (LLM), federated learning, and AI edge computing. Our Computation Layer is designed to bring both AI-driven capabilities to blockchain applications and Web-3 features to off-chain AI apps.

The VtAI Trifecta

The VtAI Trifecta is our vision of how value is delivered by VtAI using decentralized AI technology. The Trifecta focuses on using our decentralized AI infrastructure to empower use cases with substantial real-world value.

AI Alpha

Unleashing the power of AI for alpha generation, or creating profit for users, as in the case of Vtrading.

AI Insights

Make predictive AI insights accessible, scalable, and easy to utilize, via Vtrading’s AI model service.

AI Productivity

Leverage AI to change the way you work, research, and learn, through technology such as VtradingLLM.

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